고려대학교 Korea University 인공지능학과 Department of Artificial Intelligence 뇌공학과 Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering
The human cognitive system learns quickly, generalizes easily and robustly to new situations, and it uses multi-modal information.
How does the brain achieve this given the massive amounts of data streaming from its sensors? Can we teach artificial cognitive systems similar capabilities?
In our lab, we enhance the understanding of the algorithms employed by the human cognitive system through the use of cutting-edge methods from machine learning (AI) and mixed reality coupled with neuroimaging and psychophysics experiments.
We are also working on transferring this knowledge to implementations of intelligent, artificial cognitive systems that can be used in robotics, computer vision, computer animation, and clinical applications.
The Cognitive Systems Lab currently focuses on four main research topics - click to follow to a dedicated page: Social face processing (representations of facial expressions, exploration of conversational facial expressions) Multisensory and multimodal object processing (combining vision and touch for object processing, shape representations in the brain, multisensory skills in robotics, mixed reality studies using vision and touch) Decision making (combining virtual/mixed reality and EEG experiments to investigate decision-making in challenging scenarios) Human-centered AI (evaluation, validation, and improvement of algorithms from computer graphics, computer vision, and visualization in human-centered applications, alignment)
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